Berwick Academy

Berwick Academy Sixth Form

Welcome to the Sixth Form! You will be aware that students who are currently in Year 11 are now required to go onto further study, or to take a job with training (e.g. an apprenticeship). We are delighted that you are considering continuing your studies with us.

This is an exciting time, as we are expanding our range of sixth form courses and offering a new personal development programme, all of which is designed to help you achieve your career goals. You will have the opportunity to take a much broader range of courses than at Key Stage Four, so it is vital that you study the prospectus carefully and ask questions of subject teachers and the Student Subject Leaders, that you will see around school

The programmes of study available in the sixth form are designed for students with a wide range of goals. Whether you wish to improve upon your performance at Key Stage Four, want to keep your options open in terms of further study or know that you definitely want to go on to university, we have a programme of study designed to help you get to where you want to go.

In addition to your chosen programme of study, you will undertake a structured personal development programme which will provide personalised advice and guidance and additional courses/enrichment activities. The personal development programmes have been carefully designed to provide you with a wide range of skills and experiences which will appeal to both future employers and provide evidence to support a University application.

Key features of life in the sixth form:
• More study time – you will normally have 9 timetabled hours for each subject choice.
• More independence – you will have some study time on your timetable, to enable you to work on tasks set by your teachers and also to pursue personal development activities
• More responsibility – as a sixth form student, you will play a leading role in the life of the Academy and set an example to younger students. You will be expected to be mature and learn to manage your time and competing demands for yourself.
• More opportunities – there are a wider range of opportunities open to sixth form students, including work experience, volunteering, online learning and trips both in the UK and overseas, including visits to Belgium and Italy.


 2023-24 Sixth Form Options Booklet.pdfDownload
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