Berwick Academy


This page gives information about applying for a place at Berwick Academy.  Berwick Academy is a 13-18 High School, with a transition intake at the end of Year 8.

Admissions to the Academy are carried out in conjunction with Northumberland County Council, and we work within the national guidelines on admissions and appeals.  Berwick Academy, as an academy trust, is the Admissions Authority for entrance into the Academy, not the local authority. This means that the Academy is responsible directly to the Department for Education for our method of admitting students and for setting up and adhering to the decisions of an Independent Appeals Panel constituted to Appeals against not being offered a place at Berwick Academy.

Places are offered to prospective Year 9 students at the same time as places are allocated within all other Northumberland secondary schools.

School Year 2023-2024

The Published Admission Number for September 2023 is 225.

When oversubscribed, therefore, Berwick allocates 225 places with priority given to the following:

  1. Students with an EHCP which names Berwick Academy as the provider
  2. Students in public care, resident in Northumberland
  3. Students who have a sibling who is already in the Academy
  4. Students with exceptional medical or social needs.
  5. Students who live in the published catchment area for the Academy
  6. Students, on the basis of the closeness of their home’s front door to the front gate of the Academy, measured by walking in the shortest possible line without entering private property.

Preference is given to those who live within the Catchment area as defined by Northumberland County Council and agreed by the Academy.

As well as being asked to fill in application forms for entry, students and the parents of students joining Berwick Academy will be asked to acknowledge their support for the Academy by signing a ‘home – school agreement’. Whilst this is not a condition of entry and has no legal status, it is an important expression of commitment to the purpose, aims and values of the Academy.

Berwick Academy applications are made via the Local Authority.


School Year 2024-2025

The Published Admission Number for September 2024 is 225.

When oversubscribed, therefore, Berwick allocates 225 places with priority given to the following:

  1. Students with an EHCP which names Berwick Academy as the provider
  2. Students in public care, resident in Northumberland
  3. Students who have a sibling who is already in the Academy
  4. Students with exceptional medical or social needs.
  5. Students who live in the published catchment area for the Academy
  6. Students, on the basis of the closeness of their home’s front door to the front gate of the Academy, measured by walking in the shortest possible line without entering private property.

Preference is given to those who live within the Catchment area as defined by Northumberland County Council and agreed by the Academy.

As well as being asked to fill in application forms for entry, students and the parents of students joining Berwick Academy will be asked to acknowledge their support for the Academy by signing a ‘home – school agreement’. Whilst this is not a condition of entry and has no legal status, it is an important expression of commitment to the purpose, aims and values of the Academy.


My child is in Year 8, I want to apply for a place to start Year 9 at Berwick Academy

Transition applications are completed via the Local Authority’s portal.  More information can be found from the Northumberland County Council website by clicking the link:

The local authority applications portal usually closes on 31st October for admission into Year 9 for the following year.  If you are applying late, there is guidance on the NCC website from the link above, and the late application form is on their website at this link.


What can I do if my child does not get a place at the school, can I appeal?

Parents have the right to appeal.  Admission appeals are heard by an independent panel, which will decide whether the effect of admitting additional pupils to a full year group is outweighed by the effect on the individual child of not being admitted into the school.  An Appeal Panel cannot change the admissions policy or the over subscription criteria, nor can it consider questions over the way in which schools are organised or the way the school organises its classes.

The Panel is convened at the request of parents to consider the merits of their individual cases and its decision is binding on the school and the Admission Authority.  If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan and you are unsuccessful in gaining a place at your preferred school, it is the SEN Tribunal that hears the appeal. Parents of children with a Plan cannot appeal to the Admissions Appeal Panel. Full details of appeal arrangements are available on the Council’s website.

Following an unsuccessful appeal, the County Council will only consider a re-application for the same school during the same academic year when it is clear there has been a significant and material change in the circumstances of the case.

Appeals must be lodged within 25 school days of receipt of the refusal letter.  An appeal hearing will be organised with not less than 10 school days' notice, and the outcome of any appeal will be made within 5 school days of the hearing where possible.



In-Year Applications

My child is in Year 9, 10 or 11 currently at another school, and I would like to apply for a place in year at Berwick Academy

In year applications to Berwick Academy are handled by Northumberland County Council.  More information can be found from the County Council website by clicking this link:

We are currently accepting in year admissions applications in the following year groups:

  • Year 9
  • Year 10
  • Year 11


My child is in Year 11 at Berwick Academy and they would like to apply for a place in Sixth Form at Berwick Academy

Sixth Form Applications are handled in school.  Year 11 students in school complete an intended destination form, and follow a programme of advice about post 16 destinations.  Parents/Carers are sent information about this during the school year, and further information can be accessesed via the Admin Team.



My child is in Year 11 at another school, and they would like to apply for a place in Sixth Form at Berwick Academy

Sixth Form Applications from external students are handled within school.  Please see the Sixth Form pages for further information.

Entry into the 6th Form will be open to any student through written application and an interview. An offer of a place will be made, subject to examination results in Key Stage 4. The same priorities in decisions regarding oversubscription will exist as those in place for Year 9. External applicants will only be offered a place after all students from Berwick’s own Year 11 have had their destinations resolved.

Students from other schools wishing to attend sixth form at Berwick Academy can apply using the form at this link: Post 16 Application Form


Planned Open Days

We have no further open days planned for 2023/24.  Please check back for open days for 2024/25 after the summer.  We warmly welcome visits from prospective parents/carers with their children, and if you would like to arrange a visit outside of our open event programme, please contact school on 01289 305083.


Further information

Full details of the application, admission and appeals process is contained in the Handbook below.  Our transition booklet gives further information about moving into Berwick Academy.

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